Where in the World is Mal Going Next?

Happy 2023!!! I did it! I booked the dang trip! I’m so excited for this year. It already feels like a better year. After 3 years of not traveling out the country, I have finally booked my next trip. I have missed traveling, meeting new people, and all the yummy cultural food. I am ready for my next adventure.

So in November 2023, I’m headed to Peru! I will be traveling this amazing travel company Luxe Tribes. This company creates these amazing trips for woman who have no one to travel with. I’ll still be with a group of girls I have never met, but I’ll have a roommate. They have great excursions planned. I have been following this account since around 2018. I would watch them post about trips. I would read reviews. I would google pictures of places I wanted to go. I would say “Man, I want to do one of these trips.” This year I said I would stop saying that and just do that.

One of my goals is to visit all 7 Wonders of the World before I turn 40. Welllll Machu Picchu will be the next Wonder I can check off on my list. While we are there, we will also be climbing Rainbow Mountain! I am so excited for this. If you know me, you know I have struggled with my weight my entire life. Well this year planning this trip I believe will help me stay on track with my goals. I have to stick with my nutrition plan and my hiking plan to be able to truly enjoy my trip. Honestly, what a great motivator?

Over the next few months come along with me as I document my preparation for this trip. I will document getting ready physically and the financial aspect. I will also be doing some posts and videos about Peru. I plan on learning as much as possible before my trip. And of course I will blog and video while I’m on the trip!

Wanderlusting and Carpe diem,

Mallory Finch

P.S. I have a jewelry store if you’re interested in some cute gold, dainty jewelry you can Order Here

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